Why You Shouldn’t See an Osteopath and Chiropractor at the Same Time

Why You Shouldn't See an Osteopath and Chiropractor at the Same Time

I’m often asked by new patients if it’s okay to see an osteopath and chiropractor at the same time, or if they should wait until they’ve exhausted all their chiropractic options before seeking out an osteopath. Here’s why I recommend against seeing both of these professionals at the same time…

What Is An Osteopathic Adjustment

When your spine moves back into alignment, any pain or discomfort in your body will dissipate. Your spine is also affected by things like stress, posture, exercise, diet, and more. So it’s important to make regular adjustments to prevent health problems. When you come to Sai Health Care Wellness Centre for a chiropractic adjustment. We can tailor the adjustment specifically for you and offer a physiotherapy rehabilitation program designed just for you.

What Is A Chiropractic Adjustment

When a doctor uses his hands to push on a part of your spine that isn’t moving correctly, he’s adjusting your joint. It can take weeks or months for the pain to disappear completely, but it should get better each day after. The adjuster often feels tender around one spot in particular. This is where a nerve comes close to the joint (the facet) and is pressed against it. Doctors can also use other treatments, like acupuncture or physiotherapy, when they’re not sure what is causing your pain.

Osteopath and Chiropractor

What Can I Expect During A Visit To An Osteopath

When you first visit our Sai Health Care Wellness Centre, we’ll start by sitting down with you to discuss your problem areas. We’re always looking for solutions that will address the root causes of health problems rather than just solving symptoms. A typical session may involve doing a physical exam, taking x-rays, or giving treatments like osteopathic manipulations or chiropractic adjustments. Unlike a traditional doctor’s office, you’ll only be asked to pay upfront if we determine you need additional treatments outside of your initial visit. (we work on a time-based model)

What Can I Expect During A Visit To A Chiropractor

There are a few reasons why you should see your chiropractor before seeing osteopathy. But none are quite as convincing as the simple fact that they will have to undo any damage done by the other. For instance, many patients find that their back or neck pain is worse when they first start seeing a chiropractor. There is also a very high chance that it’ll take several sessions before your chiropractic care takes effect. Whereas you’ll feel better almost immediately after seeing an osteopath for your symptoms. If you want to get immediate relief for your chronic back pain then be sure to book with your chiropractor first!

Are There Any Other Alternatives To Treating My Back Pain

Back pain is often a common occurrence, which leads many people to seek professional help. For some, chiropractic medicine is the best choice while others may find relief in osteopathic methods. What you don’t want to do is see both an osteopath and a chiropractor concurrently. This might sound like a quick fix but actually will make your back pain worse as these two treatments are not compatible with one another and can create muscle confusion for your body.

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