Physiotherapy has been proven to be an effective way to help patients reduce their pain and improve their quality of life. There are many different types of physiotherapy techniques, such as modalities, exercise, manual therapy, and acupuncture, that can help relieve pain in the lower back. Physiotherapists are highly trained professionals who can work with patients in the clinic and give them specific home exercises to increase mobility and reduce pain. In addition to these techniques, they also use passive treatments like heat, cold, and ultrasound to soothe the muscles surrounding your joints and reduce inflammation caused by arthritis or injury.
Pain management is often needed for people with chronic pain or pain that persists for more than three months. The use of physiotherapy as a treatment has been found to be effective in reducing pain severity. Pain relief can also be achieved by restoring function through the use of exercises, treatments, electrotherapy, and other modalities such as acupuncture. Furthermore, Dr. Rajeev Kumar Singh Patna has been practicing this form of care for many years at Sai Health Care Wellness Centre in India where he specializes in the rehabilitation and management of acute pain conditions such as low back pain, neck ache, sciatica and arthritis among others.
What is Physiotherapy?
Physiotherapy is a branch of health care dedicated to physical rehabilitation, with the goal of improving movement and reducing or eliminating pain. Physiologists do this by examining the patient’s body, identifying any problems they may have, and then developing an individualized treatment plan that helps them overcome those issues as quickly as possible so they can return to their normal routine.
In some cases where more in-depth examination or testing is required, the physiologist may refer the patient to another medical professional for further evaluation or treatment. For example, when someone breaks their arm while skiing, they may need x-rays from a radiologist in order for their physiologist to tell them how long it will take for it to heal properly.

How Does Physiotherapy Work?
Physiotherapy for pain works by increasing the blood flow to the area in need, stimulating healing, strengthening muscles, reducing inflammation, and more. It can also be used as preventative care for those at risk of injury or re-injury. Physiotherapy relies on hands-on treatments with specialized equipment such as ultrasound machines, therapeutic massage tables, electrical muscle stimulators (EMS), traction units, or stretching devices called Joint Graspers.
Physiotherapists work closely with their patients throughout the rehabilitation process by assessing the patient’s needs and helping them set goals.
The Benefits of Physiotherapy
Physiotherapy aims to improve your function by reducing your pain. Physiotherapy can help you with many types of injuries such as sprains, strains, fractures, and other chronic conditions such as arthritis or osteoporosis. As well as relieving your symptoms, physiotherapy may also be used in prevention strategies for those who are at risk or have certain occupations or activities which put them at higher risk than the general population. Physiotherapists work with you to develop a plan that can involve exercises, manual therapy (massage), heat treatments, cold treatments (cryotherapy), or electrotherapy (ultrasound).
Are There Any Side Effects?
There are no known side effects from physiotherapy treatments, but it’s important to note that if you’re pregnant or have cancer, talk to your doctor before starting any new treatment.
When should I see the results of physiotherapy treatment?
Since everyone heals differently, it’s hard to pinpoint the time when you’ll start feeling better after seeing a physiologist for the first time. Some people feel relief right away while others may not see any improvement for weeks or months. It really depends on what type of condition you’re being treated for and how severe it is. But don’t worry; most people notice significant improvements with just a few sessions!
A good physiotherapy treatment should leave you feeling better, more in control, and less in pain than when you first arrived. Before starting your treatment, your therapist will ask you what your goals are and what kind of strategies you want to use during the session. They will also ask about any areas where you’re experiencing difficulty or discomfort. Physiotherapists typically use many different techniques such as ultrasound therapy, massage therapy, manual therapy, therapeutic exercise, electrical muscle stimulation (EMS), or ice/heat therapy in order to treat their patients.