3 Surprising Ways Physiotherapy Can Help Reduce Your Shoulder Pain

3 Surprising Ways Physiotherapy Can Help Reduce Your Shoulder Pain

Physiotherapy can offer relief from shoulder pain in several ways, even if you don’t know what’s causing your pain. Here are 3 surprising ways physiotherapy can help reduce your shoulder pain.

1) Decompression

Shoulder pain can be caused by many things including trauma, overuse, or even a natural position of the shoulder. It can be difficult to get rid of shoulder pain but with the help of physiotherapy and Dr. Rajeev Kumar Singh Patna, you can reduce your shoulder pain in less than one hour. One way is through decompression therapy where the doctor manipulates your arm to release pressure on the nerves that are causing your pain. This is often combined with other treatments such as ultrasound therapy, electrotherapy, and muscle stimulation therapies.

2) Lubrication

Lubrication in the shoulder joint is vital to maintain its healthy function. That’s because there are no natural lubricants within the joint itself, and without some form of external lubricant, the surfaces of cartilage will wear away, leading to painful arthritis. The three most common types of lube that a physiotherapist will prescribe are (1) heat (2) ultrasound (3) massage. All three have been proven to provide quick relief from shoulder pain.

3) Stimulation

Dr. Rajeev Kumar Singh Patna, and Dr. Rajeev Kumar Singh, is a physiotherapists at the Sai Health Care Wellness Centre. He has extensive knowledge of how to help with left and right shoulder pain, as well as quick relief from shoulder pain. He recommends three surprising ways that physiotherapy can reduce your shoulder pain:
1) Stimulation – The first way that he suggests helps reduce your shoulder pain is by stimulating it with different exercises to promote blood flow and decrease inflammation.

2) Rest- Resting the injury for a few days will allow it to heal more quickly and may provide quick relief from your shoulder pain when combined with other treatments.

3) Compression – A supportive wrap or bandage can be used to compress the area around your shoulder and help prevent further injury.

4) Heat/Ice Therapy- Applying heat or ice therapy after exercising can also provide quick relief from shoulder pain.

5) Exercise Therapy- Dr. Rajeev Kumar Singh Patna also uses exercise therapy which focuses on strengthening muscles and improving posture through specific movements in order to provide quick relief from shoulder pain caused by muscle imbalances.

6) Neurogenic Taping – For chronic or serious cases of left and right shoulder pain, neurogenic taping may be used to try and reduce chronic nerve pain (Nerve impulses control everything we feel.)


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